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Thursday, November 8, 2012

TheDC Morning

Daily Caller
November 8, 2012



By: Jamie Weinstein

The kids chose voting over getting high -- Confusion?: A possible explanation --  Understanding the train wreck -- Every new election comes from some other election's end -- Tweet of Yesterday -- "The Lizard King" quote of the day
1.) The kids chose voting over getting high  -- Young voters turned out in high numbers to vote for President Obama Tuesday, interrupting their busy day of smoking pot and watching "The Big Lebowski." TheDC's Caroline May reports:

"Despite predictions that the youth vote might not show as strongly in this cycle as it did in 2008, voters under 30 again turned out in large numbers for President Barack Obama. ... In 2008, the youth vote comprised 18 percent of the electorate, according to national exit polls. This cycle, according to exit polls reported by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), they comprised 19 percent of the electorate and went for Obama 60 percent to Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s 36 percent. To be sure, the margin slipped somewhat from four years ago, when Obama won 66 percent of the youth vote to Arizona Sen. John McCain’s 31 percent in 2008."

Perhaps we should raise the voting age? Just kidding! Kind of.

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2.) Confusion?: A possible explanation  -- Perhaps the high turn out by college age students Tuesday was the result of confusion that they were coming out to vote against a new initiative being implemented in Egypt, not the United States. Joseph Hammond reports for TheDC:

"Egyptian Web surfers may soon be stripped of all access to Internet pornography sites. Egypt’s Prosecutor General ordered the government's ministries of telecommunications, interior and information to begin enforcing a ban on online porn Wednesday. On the same day, Islamist groups demonstrated in downtown Cairo to demand enforcement of the ban on x-rated Internet material. ... At least two pornographic websites are among Egypt’s 25 most frequently visited online destinations, according to Alexa, a division of that tracks online traffic patterns globally."
3.) Understanding the train wreck -- TheDC's Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel provide insight into what happened Tuesday night:

"How did this happen? All over Washington, bruised Republican politicos are nursing Bloody Marys and debating that very question. Mostly they’re attacking each other: the establishment wing of the Republican Party vs. its conservative, tea party-affiliated grassroots. That debate will soon burst into public view, and in the end one side may prevail. But the truth is, both sides are guilty."

Read on to enlightenment.
4.) Every new election comes from some other election's end -- Because it's never too early to talk about the next election after the most recent election ends, TheDC's Jamie Weinstein lists 13 potential 2016 GOP presidential contenders. Among them, one you've probably never heard of and who has precisely zero chance of winning, Morry "The Grizz" Taylor:

"The tire mogul ran in 1996 but didn’t fare particularly well in the GOP primary. But he did become the main focus of Michael Lewis’ book on the race, 'Losers: The Road to Everyplace but the White House.' It’s hard to read that epic campaign tome and not become enamored with the blunt-talking 'wild man from the Midwest.' When TheDC talked to the Grizz in August, he said that if Mitt Romney lost, he would run again in 2016. 'If Obama wins then you guys get ready, because somebody is going to have to fix this mess and it is going to be a real bad mess in four more years if he’s running it,' he said. 'And then I’m going to run. Because if you had now with the TV and the debates, I would have a blast.' TheDC can’t tell if he’s serious, but on this question we can’t be neutral: Run, Grizz, run."

You'll find some other names on the list, like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. But why go any further than The Grizz?
5.) Tweet of Yesterday -- Matthew Cooper: Time for some soul searching: Obama's D.C. vote went from from 92.4% in 2008 to 91.4% last night.
6.) "The Lizard King" quote of the day -- From "The Lizard King: The Shocking Inside Account of Obama’s True Intergalactic Ambitions By An Anonymous White House Staffer," edited and introduced by Daily Caller writers Jamie Weinstein and Will Rahn:

"He turned on the radio, some right-wing talk. I recognized the voice but couldn’t instantly put it together with a name. 'Ever listen to Garrett Mueller?' he said. 'Excuse me, Doctor Garrett Mueller. God knows what he’s a doctor in, mind you, but that’s what they call him. They replay his show every morning at six a.m. It’s on live at four p.m. And the six a.m. replay is still one of the ten most popular shows in the country. His day-old thoughts, if you can call them that, get more listeners than four of the top five progressive radio shows in the country combined.' 'Can you even name a progressive radio host?' he asked. 'I only know that fat piece of shit, what’s his name . . . Schultz. Ed Schultz. Guy’s a piece of work, I’ll fucking tell ya. I once saw him kick a dog.' He pulled an unwrapped breath mint out of his jacket pocket and popped it in his mouth. Then he took another out and offered it to me."

What should you do between now and Election Day 2016? Why not read "The Lizard King?" You got to do something:BUY ... IT ... NOW.
VIDEO: Boehner tells Obama "this is your moment," "we want you to succeed"


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PYRAMIDS OF PORN-- Egypt moves to ban x-rated online material, blocking some of the country's most popular websites

TheDC's Jamie Weinstein: 13 possible Republican presidential contenders for 2016-- Old favorites, newcomers, and a surprise or two

Romney blasted after loss for not campaigning as a conservative -- 'What we got was a weak moderate candidate, hand-picked by the Beltway elites'

TUCKER CARLSON & NEIL PATEL: What Happened -- Mitt Romney ran about as impressive a campaign as he could have.

JOE KILDEA: 2012 and the not-so-super PACs -- The election is a reminder that money alone isn't enough to win elections.

MARK JUDGE: America has changed, but God hasn't -- Conservatives need to accept that America is no longer the center-right country it once was.

PAUL ARMENTANO: Election Day votes likely signal the end of cannabis prohibition -- It's now only a matter of time before marijuana is legal nationwide.

JACK FINN: A thank you note from an average American -- What Obama's re-election means for our country.

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