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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Campus Caller

Daily Caller
December 19, 2012



Today's top stories:

1.) Obamacare could drive Little Sisters of the Poor out of the US
2.) Obama, Clinton escape blame in Benghazi report
3.) Former Miss Pennsylvania has to pay Donald Trump $5 million because he isn't rich enough
4.) Sixth-grade student brings handgun to school for protection in wake of Sandy Hook
5.) The Dershowitz solution: Make schools as safe as Congress [VIDEO]
6.) Landmark Chinese study: Intestinal bacteria control obesity
7.) Lawmaker wants FAA to publish names of drone licensees
8.) Federal court hears testimony in case of school district's forced tracking chips
9.) Mark Levin on Newtown speech: 'How come Obama did not mention Fort Hood?'
10.) NRA issues first statement since Conn. shooting

From the
Intercollegiate Studies Institute network and LI's Campus Reform:
11.) Student sues university faculty claiming he was disciplined for questioning racial poem
(Campus Reform)
12.) Students Vote to Rename Columbus Day ‘Indigenous People’s Day’
(The College Fix)
13.) Another Gulf of Tonkin
(The College Conservative)
14.) Humility, Identity
(The Princeton Tory)
15.) Students Abuse Psycho-Stimulants For Final Exams Edge
(The College Fix)

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