| Within minutes of the Super Bowl blackout, Oreo tweeted a perfectly zeitgeisty "dunk in the dark" ad. Here's how. | | Here's what you missed when the lights were off. | | Today is Facebook's ninth birthday. Meet the students who celebrated its birth — and find out where they are now. | | Blackout jokes, everywhere you look. | | They're doing the wave. | | The White House asked that the picture not be photoshopped. The internet responded with... this. | | Would there be a Facebook without Mark Zuckerberg? Nine years later, his Harvard classmates weigh in. | | GENIUS. | | No one outside the building really knows — but maybe because no one really cares anymore. | | About half the people talking about the Super Bowl don't quite know what it's called. And about 1 in 700 made the same (kind of wonderful) pun. | | The former great libertarian hope has started running his own Twitter feed since he left office. | | "With equipment like this in the home of the future, we may not have to go to work. The work would come to us." From a CBS show called "The 21st Century." | | The Studio Ghibli game fixes everything wrong with the modern JRPG. They might be the only ones who can. | | An empire built on cheap HDMI cables stretches its reach. Monoprice is angling to be the next huge electronics brand. | | Two years later, we finally get to see the cast of L.A. Noire mess up | |
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