No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
Do you have tissues nearby? You should probably make sure to get some before you watch this.
A Deaf Woman Hears For The First Time
40-year-old Joanne has always been deaf. The moment her cochlear implants are turned on will melt your heart. (2:41)
Two Puppies Meet A Patient Cat
Storm and Shadow were really excited to meet Finn the cat, and it showed. But Finn was very gracious about it. (1:38)
"I Don't Want More Girls!"
Gunner already has two little sisters. So when he found out that a third was on the way, he was *not* happy. (3:09)
Mind-Blowing Jump From A Skyscraper
Back in September, three men BASE jumped from New York's Freedom Tower. The footage is totally insane. (4:58)
Yup, Karma Is Definitely Real
A Tampa woman was being aggressively tailgated. The other driver got what was coming to him right away. (1:56)
Every Brand Video Ever
How do brands get away with saying absolutely nothing in ads? This perfect "Generic Brand Video" will explain. (2:50)
Beautiful Time Lapse Of Fireflies
If you want to see something stunning, then this amazing time lapse is for you. When is summer again? (4:49)
Kids Review Parenting Tips
What do kids make of some of the most popular parenting tips out there? Um, they aren't very impressed. (2:20)
Meet Jumpy The Amazing Dog
Is there anything that Jumpy can't do? Of course not, he's the best. Good boy, Jumpy! (2:07)
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