No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
Some people really need to be stopped when it comes to Facebook.
32 Reasons You Should Need A License To Use Facebook
This guy is trying to take ordering in to the next level. Facebook fails are getting hilariously out of control.
A guy asked his ex-girlfriends to review him for his dating profile. What happened next is unbelievable.
Disney has some pretty weird secrets. Heads up: This is a Disney mystery you totally missed.
Everyone's got a bit of an inner neat freak, and these images know just how to satisfy yours.
Cooking lasanga in a dishwasher. Showering with your clothes on. And 21 other ridiculous ways to save money.
The Super Bowl is rapidly approaching. And here are 26 disappointing facts you need to know before the game.
Here are small, simple ways to a put a smile on your best friend's face. That's what friends are for, right?
A pit bull-dachshund mix actually exists. Get ready: You'll never believe what this dog looks like.
And finally: Ever wonder where you'll be in ten years? Take this quiz and find out.
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