This is one of the more creative things I have run across on the Web in some time (and that's saying something...). Here's a great column by Delia Cabe of the Boston Globe on your "dream" college course:
Hey kids, remember the advice of Dean Wormer:
LOL!! Sounds like a course that a bunch of my collegiate counterparts would be interested in. I especially enjoyed the list of excuses to choose from when you've missed school. CLASSIC!
Sounds like a good way to earn my college degree. Why wasn't this program around 4 years ago ??? What's up with the 20 page paper though? Way too much work. Unless football or beer is the topic I'll have a legit excuse for not writing it.
I definitely think this course would be an easy A, considering a lot of us are enrolled in it already! I would take this class as an elective any day, but I would much rather drop out and get rich quick like Mark. What a genius!
This movie is a classic! Sounds like a really easy class but I think the hardest part is you would have to stay fat for 4 months. Not sure a lot of women would go for that.
I love this clip from animal house! And the class sounds really awesome. I feel like I could probably survive that class. The 20 page paper does seem hard, but since it does count for an entire college career I could probably survive.
Where do we sign up? I’m just kidding but it actually sounds fun. And I know it would be an easy A if all we have to do is show up and write a 20 page paper. This is too funny.
Interesting! Sounds like a good idea. I don't know about a 20 page paper, though.
this sounds like a great college course that i think everyone would agree to. the 20 page paper is a little much considering the course. this would have been great if was around five years ago. i would have been done with school a long time ago.
Interesting....I'd probably wind up failing because of the 20 page paper, but I'd be willing to give it a shot!
That type of set up would be great. I have been at SLU since 2005 so I am more than ready to be done with school. Most of the fields taught could be condensed down so that we get the meat and potatoes, and the rest could be on the job training.
Even though this would be just about the easiest course ever, why does almost every complain about the 20 page paper?! lol I actually enjoy college most of the time. Am I weird? ;P Although, if I wasn't going to Southeastern, the price tag would probably change my mind.
It is a funny way to earn college degree but nope. I rather read books, write essay and do math than get fat.
Sounds good. I know it will go over with the college students so well. Haha!
That was so funny! I really enjoyed that and would defiantly have taken that course if they offered it at school. I also agree with everyone a 20 page paper.. yeah I don't think so! haha.
Haha I think there would definitely be plenty of students willing to take this class, not so much me I do not want to write a 20 page paper or get fat!
This is funny, but not so much a good idea. It would pretty tell everyone it is okay to be lazy and not work hard for what you want in life. I would rather stick it out for 4 years and actually learn something and become a better (and less fatter haha) person from it.
This is funny, but not so much a good idea. It would pretty tell everyone it is okay to be lazy and not work hard for what you want in life. I would rather stick it out for 4 years and actually learn something and become a better (and less fatter haha) person from it.
I think this coarse would be fun to take as an elective since we already do these things after and between class, but I don't think this idea would be good for our country.
This would be everybody's dream course. To bad it won't make it. A lot of people believe they are enrolled in a course like that. I see people who comes to class looking like they have been run over by a train. It's just not a way i want to live my life.
If only they were all this easy! But haven't we all been taught that nothing in life comes free or easy? One day all of this hard work and money for a college degree will pay off!
That was a good read. College is no joke, you've got to be committed. Some people are constantly looking for the easy way out or the next get rich quick scheme. Show up, do your work and earn it!!
Lol that's pretty awesome! I'd soo take that course!! Even just for the fun of it.
How come I am finding out about this course when I am a senior!? Argh!!! I wouldn't have spent the past four years busting my hump to graduate. Oh well, at least there is hope for the graduating class behind me.
Now that i will be graduating in a semester, it didnt come easy. I had to work for this Business Tech degree that I want. I have a lot to prove to myself and this is one my goals that I want to complete.
Although I have never seen this movie, the clip made me want to. I think anyone would like to take this course but the 20 page paper seems a little much for the class. If only every degree were this easy. Now that I am a senior I have had to overcome many obstacles to get to where I am now and I am very proud of myself.
LOL I would not think I would be interested in taking these courses. Even though it sounds like an easy way through college, I rather learn more into the subjects. Plus the 20 page paper would have made me want to quit.
I didn't want to say it but I agree with secdjack. It really wouldn't be worth it because it's really a waste of time, although I don't think that attendance is mandatory. Some students may already feel as though some of the classes that are required are a waste of time, but at least you may learn something from it. This one does not offer anything beneficial.
I thought this was a very humorous article. I even showed it to my friend and she got a good giggle out of it as well. I don't think this would be a very legitimate college degree though, and people would probably look down on it. I thought the line about 'grad school-buying time' was funny because that is pretty much why I am going to go. I am too scared to enter the real world and want to stay in school as long as i can, so a shortened college career would not fly with me anyway.
Fat, drunk, and stupid. Well it might be an easy class but I do not ever want to be fat. If you had to be fat to do good in the class I would not take it, but if not then I am all in.
This SHOULD be a class offered to seniors at every university. it would give them an "ease of mind" sort of exit from years of grinding. lol good luck with that.
Very funny course, but i'd rather skip the fat part. I'll leave it to the drunk and stupid people lol. I might take it just for the fun though lol.
This movie and short clip is funny, although, I also would rather read and study for my classes instead of drinking and getting fat. The movie was funny and some students actually do this kind of thing in college but I definitely would never risk my education for drinking and partying too much!
What a great class I think people may actually want to go to this class. I'm not sure the 20 page exam would be fun. Animal House is the perfect example of what it might be like to have a class like that.
I do not know if I would be down for this class, two 20 page papers I can barely write a 5 page paper. I like the excuses though cause sometimes we really have not legitimate excuse why we miss class.
Wow this video is hilarious lol. He sounds like my football coach when grades reports come in during the middle of semesters. i definitely can relate; i really don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing?
This class is awsome lol. I dont think I like the fat part but thats about it. However, we all know it is not this easy. I beleive that the hard work I have put in is eventually going to pay off though one day.
If only this course were real. I would definitely take this class to be done quicker. It would make my "finishing my bachelor's in 3 years" a lot easier. The attendance and plagiarism policies are hilarious!
I would hate to write a 20 page paper. I am having difficult time with the book report assigned. Lol Although I think it is better than group work.
That course would be great if it were real. It has a few true points when you look at the course schedule of how many people made there millions without going to college. I much rather people put there true reason for missing class, instead of "Hey, did I miss anything important;" of course you did. I would be much more inclined with sharing my notes if they were honest, even if they did just sleep in.
Well I wish they had this course and I would totally take it. It sounds hilarious! I would have a lot of fun writing that 20 page paper. The excuses listed on the page were great, plus the plagiarism!
I think this would probably be my hardest class because I don’t like to slack off and definitely don’t want to receive any encouragement to drop out. The 20 page paper probably wouldn’t be as bad as most think being that it is something that you would have the semester to do the two papers. Interesting article.
I didn't think it was that funny, but I guess that is because I am at a point in my academic career where I have decided to step up and make much better grades to ensure that grad school is an option for me.
The course objectives (1st 3)seem like what many people already do. I guess this course is already hit and a lot of people have already taken it.
1. Learn to get by with little effort
2. Learn terms and concepts to converse like a college graduate
3. Gain an understanding of life in and out of college
There are people right now trying to sign up for that course. At the same time, there are people creating online colleges (insertnamehere-college.edu) that will offer this one course with a sales pitch that will make a used car salesman blush.
It sound like a nice way to earn a college degree, but i wonder what type of degree will this be, unless everybody else has the same thing, it is funny anyway.....
20 pages seems like an awful lot but this was a very funny clip!! I would definitely take the course!
I have never watched this movie before, but it makes me want to see it. I don't think I would take this class because writing 20 pages and getting fat is not fun. I hate writing papers! I'm sure other students wouldn't mind taking this class.
The list of excuses for unexcused absences is hilarious. I have heard alot of them and no matter how dumb they sound people still think they will work. Sometimes they do. Amazing.
I am guilty of going through college with constant excuses, i have gotten to the point where i do not know what the course name is even when i graduate even this one i honestly do not know what the title is. They really need to narrow the courses down just a bit.
This article was great. It is so true, and a class that I would take for sure. I do have to say that the twenty page research paper is too much. But to pass the class, I would do it.
The article made sense but I would hope this class isn't really true.
That would be a great college course that everyone would love to take. The only down fall is the 20 page paper.
Sounds like a dream class!!!! How amazing would it be to finish college in one semester?!
I would do the twenty page paper just to take this course
I would love to take this course as well! If 20 pages is all it take, then count me in. Great clip from Animal House. It is a dream class and very easy for me to get an A
College is a tool to reach the top of your life and go beyond any dream. I think we need to do our best in phase of our lives. But everything depends on the desired to success in life.
This is a college course that everyone must take haha. I am sure that everyone would pass with flying colors but I could do without the 20 page book report.
This is my kind of class for sure, but like everyone else said, screw the 20 page report.
Where do I sign up at? What a fun way to pass time in college. I really enjoyed the class time so it would not interefer with the long weekends and noon wake ups. That was a funny article.
This article gave me a great laugh! "Just getting by" is so common these days, as everyone just wants enough for an acceptable grade.
I would, along with many others would be interested. The missed class excuses are the best.
I love this movie, and I have always wondered why that couldn't be a class, there could be alot of good things coming out of that class.
What is really funny is that you would probably learn more things in this class that pertain to the real world then you do in most college courses (Since most people need do calculus problems by hand on a regular basis.) This class should be required by all universities.
Funny video, this class would be a great class to take because you can actually learn about real world situations. I mean honestly allot of stuff we don't really learn in class, we memorize the info for the test to get a good grade, then forget about what we learned 3 months later because the stuff we learned won't be used in the real world.
Do they have an MBA program? Ah how much easier life would have been if we all could have taken this class. However, there are still some perks of attending a 4 year university in 6 years that would not be included in this class.
I hate taking classes I don't need or wont help me at all. I just want out of here.
Haha sign me up..Seriously I could do this. The paper at the end would suck but hey all classes have work to do.
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