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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Newser Nine at Nine - Jobs' Cancer Ran Predictable Course: Doctors

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Jobs' Cancer Ran Predictable Course: Doctors

Jobs' Cancer Ran Predictable Course: Doctors

(Newser) - The rare form of pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs ran a predictable course, experts tell the Wall Street Journal . While 80% of the 40,000 Americans who get pancreatic cancer annually die within a year of their diagnosis, Jobs had a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor, a type that accounts for... More  »

Steve Jobs a Man of 'Stunning Breadth'

Steve Jobs a Man of 'Stunning Breadth'

(Newser) - Steve Jobs "was a historical figure on the scale of a Thomas Edison or Henry Ford," writes tech guru Walter Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal ; but, more than that, he was also a man of "stunning breadth" who loved to talk about his "sweeping ideas... More  »

BofA CEO: We Have a Right to Make a Profit

BofA CEO: We Have a Right to Make a Profit

(Newser) - Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan defended his bank’s controversial new $5 debit card fee in a CNBC interview yesterday, saying that most customers would avoid it, and that the bank had given customers plenty of warning about it. Asked to respond to President Obama’s statement that banks... More  »

Cops Beat, Mace Protesters at Occupy Wall Street Rally

Cops Beat, Mace Protesters at Occupy Wall Street Rally

(Newser) - The Occupy Wall Street movement staged its biggest demonstration yet yesterday, with thousands marching from lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park to Foley Square near City Hall. Their ranks were bolstered by students, workers, and members of more than 30 unions, DNAinfo reports. But the night also saw things get ugly... More  »

Westboro Announces Steve Jobs Protest— Via iPhone

Westboro Announces Steve Jobs Protest— Via iPhone

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket Steve Jobs' funeral, but apparently God also hates irony: Leader Margie Phelps announced the protest via a Twitter announcement made on an iPhone. "The irony here is almost unbelievable," notes Josh Wolford on Web Pro News . Jobs' sin? Phelps tweeted... More  »

Nobel Prize for Literature Goes to Tomas Transtromer

Nobel Prize for Literature Goes to Tomas Transtromer

(Newser) - Better luck next year, Bob Dylan . Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer was today awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for literature. The AP calls the 80-year-old a "perennial favorite" to win, and notes that Swedish journalists regularly camp outside his apartment in Stockholm on the big day in anticipation of victory.... More  »

Sarah Palin: GOP Candidates Already Calling

Sarah Palin: GOP Candidates Already Calling

(Newser) - Republican hopefuls didn't waste any time getting in touch with Sarah Palin after she announced that she isn't going to run for president . Several candidates have already called and Todd Palin is setting up some meetings, Palin told Fox's Greta Van Susteren in an On the Record... More  »

India Launches $35 Tablet

India Launches $35 Tablet

(Newser) - India has announced the world's cheapest tablet computer—just $60, or $35 with a student discount, reports Reuters . Called the "Aakash," or "sky," the tablet was developed by a small British company together with the Indian Institute of Technology, and is assembled in India. With... More  »

Nevada Shifts Caucus to Jan. 14

Nevada Shifts Caucus to Jan. 14

(Newser) - Florida's decision to push its GOP primary back to Jan. 31 now looks likely to push the Republican nominating calendar into 2011. Nevada's Republican Party has announced that it plans to hold its caucus on Jan. 14, meaning New Hampshire is likely to shift its primary to even... More  »


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