Today’s Hottest Buzz | Oh, Twitter. This is why I love you. | | I, for one, welcome our new animal overlords. Happy Earth Day! | | BuzzFeed's survey of Republican National Committee members gathered in Arizona this weekend finds a clear preference for the solid Ohioian. "He was born to be the guy standing next to the guy," says an RNC member. | | Shhh...don't tell anyone. A behind the scenes preview of the new raft of titles being published by DC. Much like the "leaked" photos of Before Watchmen, we were kindly invited to take these pics. | | Former Republican presidential candidate compares his party to Communist China. Says Reagan would have trouble winning GOP primary in this political environment. Regrets opposition to 10-1 spending cuts to tax increase deficit deal. | | Just in time for a new episode tonight, a drinking game befitting a king. Designed by Anna Lucylle Tacchini, this should have you drunk within the first ten minutes of the show for the "gratuitous sex or nudity" alone. | | The goatee. THE GOATEE. | | Frans Hofmeester has filmed his daughter every week from birth up up until she turned 12 years old. He finally decided to make a time lapse video out of it. Here is that (amazing) video. | | Incredible uses for old CDs and DVDs that you can do yourself! Time to get those AOL trial discs out of storage. | | No matter what pet a person has, they are always special -- even more so when they love to be around you. I'll just leave this box of tissues. | |
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