April 23rd, 2012Top StoryThe Stupid Things You Do in the Kitchen (and How to Fix Them)By Adam Dachis
Stupid Thing #1: You Spend Too Much Time Prepping Ingredients
It also helps to use two bowls—one for scraps and one for cleaning—so you don't make a mess during the preparation process. If you're handling many ingredients, you can keep them nicely separated with a muffin tin. These are all great ways to save you time and keep you organized, but a few common ingredients have tricks all their own. A head of garlic can be peeled in 10 seconds by shaking it up in two bowls. To avoid the mess (and most of the tears), there is a specific method for dicing onions. You cut them in half, lay the halves flat, make horizontal cuts nearly the entire way through, and then dice the onion slices in place. (Video demonstration here.) Chopping most other vegetables has a bit more to do with proper knife technique, but we'll be getting to that very shortly. For a few more speedy kitchen tricks, check out our top 10 on the subject. Stupid Thing #2: You Use Your Knives Wrong
The easiest issue to correct is a dull blade, and it's one of the most important. Dulls knives result in the majority of kitchen injuries and for no good reason. There are many ways to sharpen a knife, but one of the best is a sharpening steel. If you're not familiar, a sharpening steel is essential a steel rod with ridges. You run a knife's blade across it in a perpendicular alignment with a slight angle and that results in a sharper edge. (Video demonstration here.) Some chefs, however, believe that pushing the blade against the steel slowly causes damage. Instead, pulling the blade away from the steel creates less friction and resistance but still sharpens the knife and straightens the blade. (Video demonstration here.) Either way, you'll have a more effective (and safer) cooking utensil when all is said and done. Steels aren't your only option. You have many, ranging from a stone to the bottom of a cup. No matter what you use, you're going to need to know when the knife is actual sharp. StackExchange user Adam Jaskiewicz found that using a Sharpie (or other permanent marker with a less-appropriate name) can help you out:
Knowing all of that, you should have no issue keeping your knives sharp. Next, you want to make sure you're holding your knives correctly. There isn't one single hand position for every way you'll use them, but in general you want a grip that won't limit your range of motion. The best way to achieve this is by gripping the handle with your three back fingers and pinching the neck of the knife—where the blade meets the handle—with your pointer finger and your thumb. (Video demonstration here.) This will allow for good speed and precision. Finally, learning a few techniques can make a big difference when employing your knives in the kitchen. How to move a knife is something that doesn't translate too well to text and is more suited for video, so watch this one to pick up the basics. It'll teach you a proper forward slice, back slice, and tip-down rocking and chopping techniques as well as a few safety pointers. Stupid Thing #3: You Throw Out Food Long Before Its Time Has Come
Stupid Thing #4: You Don't Use Heat Effectively
Food magazine Cooking Light notes that cooking meat in water too quickly actually results in a dryer texture. In this case, it's better to simmer for longer than boil in a hurry. Melting chocolate also requires patience and frequent stirring as it can easily burn as it gains a liquid form. When it comes to butter, it's best to let it sit out and soften naturally over time than rush it into a semi-liquid in the microwave. When over-softened butter is used in baking thicker items like cookies, butter needs to be thicker to help the cookie keep its form and spread evenly in the oven. Although you can boil cream, low-fat milk products will curdle if heated too quickly. One of the most common mistakes is heating oil until it smokes. As The Huffington Post points out, this can really ruin the flavor:
Everything you heat in the kitchen is going to react a little bit differently, so while patience is generally a safer bet you should find out how your ingredients handle heat. You may find that you can get significantly better results by simply adjusting temperature and time, making your food a lot better with very little effort at all. Stupid Thing #5: You Misuse and Mistreat Your Pots and Pans
In the case of calphalon surfaces, it is recommended you keep your non-stick pans out of the dishwasher as well because the harsh environment can slowly strip the coating. Teflon, however, should be just fine. As suggested, you'll want to consult with your cookware's manufacturer to find out what is, indeed, safe, but keeping the heat medium-to-low and washing by hand will minimize your risk. Treating pots and pans poorly isn't the only type of mistake you can make. Many of us have a tendency to crowd the pan, and as Cooking Light points out, that can affect the quality of your resulting meal:
It's also recommended that you don't stir too often unless your recipe requires it. Flipping meat frequently can also be problematic, as this will cause you to miss out on a nice crust. It's easy to get paranoid because you don't want to end up with burnt food, but after a little practice you'll start to get the hang of how often to flip or stir your food. Stupid Thing #6: You Make Cleanup Harder Than Necessary
Even the best preparation can leave you with a difficult task now and again, especially when you end up with food stuck on a dish that just refuses to come off. Fortunately, there are several tricks you can employ. Drier sheets, dishwasher detergent, and salt scrub are all capable of lifting stubborn food from your dishes when combined with lukewarm water and left alone for a few hours. When stains are a problem, Bar Keepers Friend and apple peels can help get them out. If your oven is messy, cooking a pan filled with ammonia can help lift the grease. White vinegar is almost always useful in many situations, from cleaning cloudy glassware to steam-cleaning the microwave. Even if you're not particularly fond of consuming the stuff, it can be useful to keep around the house for eliminating the mess from your other food. Know of any other common mistakes in the kitchen and how to fix them? Share yours in the comments. Photo by Leremy (Shutterstock). |
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