|  |  July 19, 2012 | | TELEVISION The nominations are out: Downtown Abbey, Girls, and Betty White will get their shot at scooping up TV's biggest award, while The Good Wife, Community, Louie, and many others were shut out. The Daily Beast’s Jace Lacob on the biggest shockers from this morning's announcement. Plus, view our gallery of all the nominees. BULGARIA The identity of the suicide bus bomber who killed seven tourists was revealed by Bulgarian officials Thursday. Reported bomber Mehdi Ghezali was also a former detainee at Guantánamo Bay. Ghezali, who was of Swedish, Algerian, and Finnish descent, was held by American officials in 2002 under suspicion that he had attended a Muslim religious school and traveled to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. He was released into Swedish custody in 2004, where his country of citizenship never pressed charges. Bulgarian officials have released video footage of Ghezali walking around the site of Wednesday’s attack shortly before the explosion. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publically blamed Hizbullah and Iran for being behind the attack, which according to Israeli officials, killed five of its citizens. RACE Would Trayvon Martin’s killer be given a primetime platform to raise money if their races were swapped? The Daily Beast’s Allison Samuels on Fox News’s baffling decision to give George Zimmerman a chance to gain sympathy. Plus, five shocking moments from the interview. Push Back One day after President Bashar al-Assad’s two top security chiefs—one of which was his brother-in-law—were killed in a suicide bombing, Syrian troops have launched a fresh offensive against rebels in Damascus, with hundreds of residents fleeing the city amid heavy shelling. Pentagon officials are in talks with Israel’s government on contingency plans for the Assad regime’s eventual collapse. Meanwhile, the Syrian president has yet to make a statement or even a public appearance since the bombing. Syrian state television has shown footage of Assad swearing in the new defense minister. Ex-Campaign Chief Ed Rollins, Michele Bachmann’s former campaign chief, took to FoxNews.com Thursday morning to say, “Shame on you, Michele.” In an op-ed, Rollins writes that while he is pretty immune to being shocked by the crazy things that go on in politics by now, his former client’s “outrageous and false charges against a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, reaches that threshold.” Rollins is talking about the accusation brought against the wife of Anthony Weiner by Bachmann and four other Republican members of Congress, that she is responsible for the “deep penetration in the halls of our United States government” by the Muslim Brotherhood. Rollins writes that Bachmann’s accusation is “extreme and dishonest,” and acknowledges that, after working with the Minnesota representative for some time, “I am fully aware that she sometimes has difficulty with her facts, but this is downright vicious and reaches the late Senator Joe McCarthy level.” | | 
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