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 Today's advice comes from Hamdi Ulukaya, founder and CEO of Chobani Yogurt, via WSJ: "I wanted to make sure the product was perfect because I only had one shot and it had to work. We came from the angle that this is a boring category that we will change." The road to putting his yogurt brand on the market was a tough one, and Ulukaya spent 18 months coming up with the recipe, which involves using three pounds of milk to make one pound of yogurt. Whether your business involves a product or service, the recipe for the company's protocol should be given careful consideration. Take your time to come up with the mission and ingredients. When you don't rush into something, you are less likely to launch a premature business ridden with flaws. Think of your business like good food. You'll experiment by adding seasoning when necessary and watering it down when the spices become overbearing. Though it might take a while, once served, your customers will be very satisfied. According to Ulukaya, understanding that sacrifice is one of the main ingredients will help you come up with the perfect recipe for success. "You have to have passion because it requires a lot of sacrifices. I sacrificed my family life. I lived in the plant for the first two years."
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