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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The many relationships of Zeus

The many relationships of Zeus

Feb 12, 2013 04:51 am

Zues affairs

Ilaria Pagin had a look at all of Zeus's relationships according to many authors over the years. Each person on the inside of a circle represents a lover, and the colored branches connect to children. Start with Zeus, the largest black dot near the middle, and then work your way out.

A fill-in-the-blank book to journal your life in graphs

Feb 11, 2013 09:31 am

My life in graphsMy friends just got this for me, and it's pretty much the perfect gift, especially since my dissertation is about journaling and personal data collection. My Life in Graphs: A Guided Journal is a book of blank charts and graphs, and you fill in the blanks. For example, there's a map to mark your travel destinations and an x-y plot to evaluate "bucket-list viability."

I worked on mine a couple of days ago and showed it to my wife. She said I was like a kid showing off his homework. I think that's a good thing.

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