| Today: Should Marijuana Require Warning Labels? , GOP's Whack a Mole Addiction , Mideast Ally Blasts US Over Accused Terrorist Story | | |
  |  | |  |  March 10, 2014 | | Obama Likes Ike Like Eisenhower before him, Obama's non-moves against Russia are the right moves. GONE TO POT The true danger in marijuana legalization lies in the lack of knowledge about its side effects. If the state is going to profit from sales, the health risks can't be half-baked. VOTER'S CHOICE For the first time in decades, there's no clear GOP candidate to compete against Clinton in the race for the White House. Who will it be, folks? Batter up and whack-a-mole. Diplomatic Incident In a rare rift between two close allies, the usually discreet United Arab Emirates has gone public over its exasperation with the State Department. SWEET 2016 Without an obvious frontrunner to represent Republicans against Hilary in 2016, one thing is guaranteed: It's going to be an entertaining race. | | 
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