No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
The short version: Things do not go all that well for the guys. Not at all.
This Is What Happens When Guys Buy Outfits For Their Girlfriends
Three guys were given a budget and told to shop for their significant others. So how did they do?
It's about time: After all she's done, a college is finally offering a course in the sociology of Miley Cyrus.
Exciting news: Apple says it's going to make emojis more racially diverse.
Tina and Amy? Oprah and Gayle? Which celeb BFFs should you join up with?
Ever feel weird when you mistakenly think someone is waving at you? That could be a sign that you're an awkward person.
Pucker up, everyone. There's a lot you need to learn about kissing.
“I used to think avocados were dinosaur eggs.” And more proof that kid logic is the craziest thing ever.
It's so cold, Lake Erie's completely frozen over. And the photos are pretty wild.
Did you know women blink more often than men? Or that a jiffy is an actual unit of time? Just two useless facts you totally need to know.
Everyone likes to say they are a global citizen. But how many of these flags of the world can you actually identify?
And finally: We love you, mom and dad. But there are just some things we have to lie to you about.
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