No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more that pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. --- W. Clement Stone
Oh, awkward teenage years, we're so glad you're gone forever. You were the worst.
21 Traumatic Middle School Memories No One Will Ever Forget
Trying to figure out how look "cool"? Yeah, we all struggled with that.
Lots of people have questions for pop stars. And there just aren't answers.
You like burritos. Maybe you even love burritos. So you need to try these 25 magical burritos soon.
Not everyone wants to flirt. So here's to the heroes who don't have time for your flirty texts.
How good is your spelling? This quiz has the answer you need.
There's a “Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air” clip that aired 20 years ago that deals with police brutality. And in the wake of Ferguson, it's taken on new meaning.
This teen's mugshot is incredibly meta. Wear a different shirt to jail next time, dude.
And finally, this is awesome: An NYC stylist spends every Sunday giving haircuts to the homeless.
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