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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why It is SOOOOOOOOO Important to ALWAYS Spellcheck!

Microsoft WordImage via Wikipedia

OK, we preach spellchecking in all your papers, assignments, tests in college (and as I joke with my students, Microsoft Word isn't kidding with those red and green squiggly lines!). Here's a real-life advertising story from CNN - made all the more embarrassing because of who's the client. Watch:

So, what's your worst spellcheck fail - in school or at work? What's the worst you've seen (if you have a link, post it!).

Look forward to the conversation here on the blog!


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Mat said...

These errors bother me so bad. This poor guy is having to take the heat for the mistake. I would probably fire those four employees who also misread the sign.

Jess said...

That's quite pathetic. If four people supposedly looked it over then that man is employing either idiots or careless people. One person I can see over looking it but not four.

toshia11 said...

Wow! I would have definitely been embarrassed for my advertisement to say something like that. I would fire everyone! Especially the person or people who were suppose to spell check that billboard.

Unknown said...

I'll be honest...I missed it at first - and I was looking for it! However, Word does not pick up on misspellings when the word is in all caps. Just so you know.

KalliRenayWilde said...

Spelling errors are definitely embarrassing because they are very easy to spot. During high school, I made a sign for a pep rally and spelled sophomore wrong. It was definitely embarrassing!

JWM said...

There is no excuse for this. Those people are being paid good money and are given responsibilities. If they are that incompetent, they should be fired. I do feel bad for the guy though..he should have been more careful and attentive.

Lisa P said...

I would say it was a careless mistake but it four people missed it that's just crazy. And the kind of work they are doing they should know the importance of making sure it is correct!

John Nugent said...

That is extremely embarrassing. One proof reader missing it is a mistake, four is careless. And could it have been any worse of a coincidence? Why couldn't they leave out any other letter . . .

Brenda Brown said...

Wow!.... How do you miss something like this? I mean can these people not read ? I will admit I am one of the worst spellers, but I always make sure to spell check.

Amberlynn Brady said...

This is horrible. I would be so embarrassed. Everyone does need to take the time to spell check, it could cost your job!

Michaela B. Baker said...

This is proof that tiny errors from carelessness can be costly. I find it hard to believe that four people truly reviewed the ad before it was submitted, if so, they were not in the right state of mind.

Cody W. said...

Spell check is great, but it does not always find words that are used out of context. Also your eyes can play tricks on you so that you see what you want to see. I am not so sure that I would fire the four people that missed this, but I would definitely keep a very close eye on them.

Alexandra said...

This very embarrassing. I can't believe four people looked over the advertisement without catching this misspelled word. On the Brightside everyone makes mistakes.

Kelly Guerin said...

Wow this is so embarrassing for this company. I don't understand how the people making this sign didn't catch this, especially since it's a huge billboard. I used to work in the sign shop at Budweiser, and I would always catch spelling errors made by other people. I think it puts out a bad name for the company if something as small as misspelled words are not corrected before it goes out. What I want to know is if the people who actually put up the sign saw it and knew about it?

Jonathan McDonald said...

I love it! I would have died laughing if I would have saw the add. The company could have easily come back and said they were looking to get people's attention to go visit the website. Its just like putting one of the letters backwards just to catch the eye. Not a good example but none the less very funny..

Seth Bourgeois said...

WTH is a pubic school lol. This is pretty funny but the people that checked over this and still put it up are idiots. This is a simple mistake that could have easily been caught and should have never made its way up on to a billboard.


Honestly, I didnt even recognize. But the fact that four people were to check over the sign is a big problem. They should be fined, not just fired, they should have money taken from them for making this mistake. Now this president has to take the wrap for the dumb employees.

Unknown said...

How do four people miss something like that. I mean you can look at it and tell something is wrong even if you don't spot it right away. People should be more careful and proof their material more carefully.

Brant D said...

I can see how this could happen but there is no excuse for it. Just plain old carelessness. The four people that looked over it knew what it was suppose to read and just didn't pay close enough attention.

Blake Phillips said...

I know is hard for some people with dyslexia but others who misspell words and do not look back over the documents are just being careless and lazy. Its frustrating to read something with grammatical errors

Sharon said...

It is embarrassing to have a misspelled word especially if it viewed by thousands. But that word would not have been picked up in a spell check because it is spelled correctly just not used properly. In fact, I didn't realize it was misused until I listened to the story.

Anonymous said...

That has to be embarrassing, but you can't help but to laugh at it. I try to use spellchecker and look over my work but sometimes you just can't catch everything. Fortunately I've never had an experience this bad.

dwayne said...

I'd be willing to bet someone lost their job over that. It's an honest mistake but an embarassing one. To make matters worse it was in an ad for the school system.

inolongerlive220 said...

Things like this happen. We all make mistakes and I propose all but sympathy for these bill-boarder workers. We all have room for learning from our mistake. The guy that spotted the spelling error was really serious.

JMS45 said...

Four people missed the mistake. That's a lot of people who missed that mistake. I know this stuff happens. I would hope they could've corrected that right away, but they didn't. Better luck next time!

Michelle Sullivan said...

I do understand why they missed it even if it is soooo wrong. I was looking for the misspelled word at first and could not find it until I looked a little more closely. It is hard to see something when your brain expects that word to be something other than what it actually is.

JasonSibley said...

I can’t believe that whoever wrote this billboard didn’t catch this mistake. I would think that most people would ask others to read it before posting something like this where a large amount of people will read it. It’s a simple mistake that many people won’t forget.

Heather Cosentino said...

I don’t think I can pin point one specific time I miss spelled a word. I am very bad at spelling. I think it kind of runs in my family. I always use spell check on everything. Especially when it is going to be publicly shown like a bill board.

Raymond Tucker said...

Spell checking is really vital to every day usuage. People should take the time and look carefully at what they are writing and typing before publishing anything.

Unknown said...

Wow this worries me a lot, These people aren't checking there work at all. I mean you just embarrassed your whole school.

Unknown said...

Well, it got a lot of attention; not saying it was all good. Everyone is human!

chris said...

everyone is human but i have to say this is def the worst spelling mistake i have ever seen, especially with the advertisement being for a school. I bet four people don't have a job anymore.

Jessica Ledet said...

While I find this hilarious, I know it has to be very embarrassing for the public schools in that area. I cannot believe four people did not catch it. I have to say I agree with Chris about those four not having a job anymore.

Nicole Faggard said...

That's crazy how four people spell checked that ad. Just shows you how fast people go through their work and rely too much on computerized spell checkers. Of course, Word would not mark that word as misspelled, people need to proof read as well.

Candace Hampton said...

If I lived in Indiana, I most likely would have been the first person to notice this. This is embarrassing and funny at the same time. How can you mistake "pubic" for "public?" We can tell what was on that person's mind at that time.

Unknown said...

Spellcheck. Edit. Need I say more?

Schorle said...

That is very careless of people I mean its called Proof reading not scanning over for your friend and them telling them o.k. Thst just goes to show how lazy people are. and yes I misspelled THAT.

AHickman said...

Wow. Not much to say to that one. I mean it is rather humorous and it got a lot of publicity, albeit negative. Maybe the message they were trying to convey was that you need to go to public schools so this doesnt happen to you!

Unknown said...

This prove the effect of careless. It is common and most people do it, but the consequence like this are huge and serve to be a lesson.

Lord Elliott said...

I would like to point out that spell-checking programs do not detect this type of spelling error. As far as computers can tell, it is spelled correctly because "pubic" is a word which is spelled perfectly. The employees probably relied on the computer and did not review what they wrote. They also may have reviewed it immediately after writing it, without allowing time for the words to clear their minds. When people do that, they can easily miss errors because their mind sees what they expect to see and not what is actually written. Many of the people who post comments on this site seem to do the same things and have no right to condemn other people's spelling and grammar errors. However, it looks like most people have been extra careful while commenting on this story. lol

Unknown said...

This is a pretty funny story, I dont think it was that big of a deal because it was digital and was fixed instantly. But something as careless as that can cost one their job

pdsmith said...

Oops! This is a funny story. It reminds me of failblog. I think that the sign company is at more fault than the public school that took the advertisement out. I guess the company's copy editor had the day off.

sarah said...

Wow, that's awful! I would be so embarrassed if I was that guy that missed the spelling mistake. But everyone makes mistakes, it happens.

Ashley Michel said...

This was a very careless error on everyone's part. It is such a small word to miss spell and Word does not pick on wrong use of words so that is where that might have gone wrong but out of 4 people someone should have caught it.

Seth W Moore said...

Wow, that's embarrassing. I saw something similar a few days ago: "AC & Automotive Repair, Buy Appointment Only." Doubt I'll be taking my truck there.

Courtney said...

OMG. How embarrassing and dumb. How can four people working for the same company miss something like that! The ad wasn’t even that long! That really shows how much people pay attention to their job.

Carmen M. Orellana said...

It is amazing how four people working together miss that in the ad. That give an advice to pay atention in what you are doing, and always oduble check your work.

Unknown said...

wow that is so ridiculous. How do people in charge of advertising not catch those errors. I saw a sign once that used your instead of you're, those are mistakes that should not happen. said...

I used to be a manager at a tanning salon and when it was time to hire a new employee, I had to sotr through hundreds of applications. Since there were so many, I would just discard the ones with serious spelling errors. If you can't take the time to check your spelling on a JOB APPLICATION, that doesn't sound like a very promising new hire.

Caprice said...

People make mistakes, but in this case the error should have never happen. Evidently someone did not proof the final draft. I don't think that the person at fault should be fired, maybe suspended.

Unknown said...

Honestly, how can four employees miss that? That has to be one of the most embarrassing moments in that guy’s life. People need to pay more attention and re-check their work.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I always find the humor in these sorts of things. Like I find the humor in all the people posting comments on how stupid these 4 people are, and having spelling errors in their post.

Unknown said...

Spellcheck is no substitute for a proper proof-reading. People need to utilize their brains more.

alodge1 said...

I would've definitely took corrective action on those four people who looked over the sign because it's their job to catch mistakes like this. The bad thing about it is that out of four people nobody caught this mistake, so that means that they are half doing their job.

Unknown said...

Something so simple to say you think they would have read over it to make sure it was right. Then you should have more than one person looking at this before it goes pubic, i mean public. I feel bad for these people though but lesson learned.

Unknown said...

Well, I don't think there is a problem with the spellchecker here, but with the people that were supposed to look at it before they put it on a billboard. It is quite ridiculous for four people to miss it. I bet they are all fired.

Avalon said...

Yes, it was a mistake. Yes it was embarrassing. Yes, it was funny. I don't know, I really can't harp in these guys too bad because this kind of thing unfortunately happens all of the time. Especially to me when I'm commenting on blogs at midnight. However, I do keep a pocket dictionary in my booksack (really do) because you won't always have spell check available to you.

Spencer said...

I do laugh at this but i also suffer from some spelling errors from time to time. So in this case because it was an ad for a school, it makes it just a bit funnier.

Unknown said...

This is truly funny, but the fact that its a school ad makes it bad. Public schools already get a bad reputation and this will not help at all.

christopher.raleigh said...

This is too funny. It's bad enough that an advertisement is misspelled, but when it's client is the public school system, it really sends the wrong message. I always try to proofread my typed messages, but I think we are all at fault for getting too impatient and just hitting submit sometimes.

Unknown said...

Too funny. It doesn't help public school image at all, but to i feel you learn more from public schools anyway. Seems like some private school kids are sheltered from the actual real world. But im from a public school, and of my friends im one of the better spellers ha.

Unknown said...

Yes! Spellcheck is very necessary. I can recall a time in middle school when I did a grammar project, and spelled it “grammer” on my poster board! It was quite embarrassing.

Chamekia Jefferson said...

I cannot believe no one caught mistake. I do not think the word used is a most commonly misused word. OMG! I think whomever did this mistake should be given another job.

matthew.lancie said...

It is pretty sad when four people missed that spelling up and for the billboard to be flashing that atleast a couple hundred times a day. Yes spell checking is very important and more important when the public is to see what you are doing.

Gerardo said...

This is ashamed how more than four people missed the misspelled of the billboard. People who design the ad were the first who miss that one and people who build the ad were the second. Last people who went out there to put the ad miss it three

Aaron said...

That is really funny. People make mistakes, but that one was a bad mistake to overlook. I use my phone now to spellcheck everything I send in emails and it is a handy tool to have.

Iman.Henderson said...

This was not acceptable. And to have spelling errors is bad. There's spell check so use it.

Kimberly said...

I honestly did not notice this error at a glance, and had to have it pointed out. Most people see billboards at a glance and probably didn't even notice. It is sad that this happened, but spell check would not have helped this problem. Pubic was spelled right, this just shows that people need to pay attnetion to what they are doing.

Kimberly said...

I just noticed attention was spelled wrong in my previous post. So there you go, we all make mistakes.

Aaron said...

LOL! I laughed so hard when I watched this video and it showed the sign. Spell Check doesn't work in this situation, as hilariously unfortunate it may be for the person who created the sign. You can't always rely on a computer to fix things for you, people!

Vernon Blackledge Jr said...

I bet the people doing the spell checking just assumed that one of the other 3 people checked it and they didn't do their job.

Miranda Manuel said...

Poor guy.. It's just a small error. I really feel bad for him. We all make mistakes.

Donald said...

I never had a spell-check experience yet, but this situation has definitely make me look to be more cautious. This incident is funny.

Flaciura said...

Four people missed it! What???? For pete's sake the advertisement wasn't that long. Not to mention it was for a school system. What is this world coming to?

Peter_is_a_Star said...

Wow, these people are not professionals. I would def. have to re-evaluate my employees for this huge mistake.

Unknown said...

Anytime I receive a resume, the first thing I check for is completion. The second is spelling. If they didn't take the extra time to do a spell check with Microsoft, then chances are they wouldn't take the extra time to complete their job right either. Spell check is on everything these days, so even if your not a good speller like myself, you can become one!

Unknown said...

I can't believe no one caught this before the ad went out. I bet everyone who is posting a comment on this blog is checking their spelling.

Daniel Berthelot said...

Good post. I think spellcheck is probably one of the most important things to be sure of when it comes to a resume.

Mario Barahona said...

Spell check is a must!c This is just and embarrassing incident that could've been much worst but nonetheless it shouldn't have happened. It very important to make sure things are right because people who read your work will judge you based on that. Besides with today's technology it is unacceptable to have spelling errors.

Unknown said...

I just can't understand how someone can miss that? I can understand if it was a longer statement but seriously? I would be completely embarrassed as well and would definitely fire whoever made that mistake.

Ted said...

hahaha pubic. People don't care about their jobs. They just want a paycheck.

Raymond Tucker said...

I would definately fire the people that put up this billboard. Its a shock to see this in the public.

Vy said...

People these days must have an IQ of 10 if they are to make such simple mistake. The guy who was responsible must be punish and dealt with.

Gabriel Ordoyne said...

My worst experience was in a paper on film which I described Roger Egert as the master of rating film. Whithout knowing it, what got written was the master of bating films. The worst I've seen was during an episode of The Apprentice where the project manager mispelled the guest performer's name on every sign and placecard.

StevieG said...

Ha, ha, ha. Could this be a disgruntled employee seeking revenge on his employer? I can’t really talk; I’m the typo king over here. What makes it really funny is the fact that the sign was promoting public schools. I guess spelling wasn’t one of the fifteen “best” things.

matthew.lancie said...

It is pretty sad when four people missed that spelling up and for the billboard to be flashing that at least a couple hundred times a day. Yes spell checking is very important and more important when the public is to see what you are doing.

Daniel Berthelot said...

Spell checking is very important and we have to be sure that we check ourselves especially at our jobs since our daily lives are filled with emoticons and lol's we often mess up our spelling due to common habit in our everyday lives.

Jenee said...

Wow! that is seriously so embarrassing!! Its an easy mistake to make, but its one that we definitely need to concentrate on. Especially if we are putting something on a billboard for the whole world to see!

Unknown said...

I think it's time to fire everyone who "claimed" they looked it over and failed to. It makes no sense to have four people, or one person, look it over and not catch that mistake. It's not like it's a ginormous word... it's six letters (one of the easiest words out there)! I know I'm not the best speller, but seriuosly this is crazy.

william.huggins said...

Epic fail. What happened to proofreading especially when it is displayed in "pubic" like that no one will support your company after that because they think everyone in your company is an idiot. This is becoming more and more common not just on billboards but also in contracts which could lead to big trouble for whoever draws the contract up.

Ms. Brittany said...

I actually previously viewed this video, and was very shocked by it. Spellcheck is very important especially when the public sees it. I think media soicial networks has handicapped many people because its so much easier to shorten a word, or the infamous spell it how we say it. With younger generation I'm starting to see a decline in not only spelling, but also grammar. Even with commenting on these daily blogs I make many spelling errors, but I try to make sure I correct them before I turn it in.

Tosha_Daniels said...

I can understand this speeling errors are annoying to deal with. In word documents I always using spell check, but on blogs and stuff I usually ignore it!

Brenda Brown said...

I cannot believe that four people proof read this ad and did not see the obvious spelling error. This just blows my mind. The head of this company should consider reexamining the staff to make sure they are qualified for their jobs. I just hope for this company’s sake they don’t often make these types of errors and will take further action to avoid errors in the future.

Demond said...

This is funny considering it was a billboard promoting education and the word "public" was spelled wrong. Spell check is a valuable tool to use and does not take much time to use, so the excuse of not having enough time to check something is not a valid excuse. The four employees that did not catch the error before the billboard was posted should have been fired or have gotten a serious correction slip. Epic fail!

Unknown said...

This is actually pretty funny because public schools are always getting negative views toward them and then why they do try to make a positive review for themselves they misspell the word public. The four people that were supposed to spell-check the billboard must have went to lunch that day instead.

drew.oster said...

I thought this video was funny, I don't know how that many people missed that but it still was very funny. I would be embarrassed if this happened to me but I think I will start to check my papers more so this doesn't happen to me.

Cody W. said...

That was funny, but I know that the person that checked off on that is not laughing. In any case if people did not make mistakes like that we would not have had a good laugh.

Seth Bourgeois said...

WTH is a pubic school lol. This is pretty funny but the people that checked over this and still put it up are idiots. This is a simple mistake that could have easily been caught and should have never made its way up on to a billboard.

Unknown said...

This is a funny story. I can be honest and say that i very rarely check over my spelling unless its an important paper or report that i am doing. I really need to try harder in checking over my work.

Anonymous said...

You never can assume that your spelling will be error free. Your career is going to be one of the most important things in your life. Spell check only takes seconds but could save you a lifetime of embarrassment. These tips can be very helpful in this regard.

JasonSibley said...

I think this was a funny short clip. I can see how possibly one or two people missed over the misspelled word, but hearing that four people completely missed the error is ridiculous. These people are paid to post advertisements and they cannot even see that public was misspelled. It’s horrible to think what could happen if something more important was misspelled on a billboard.

Linh said...

That is very careless of people who did proof reading. How can four people looked over it and didn't catch the misspelled word. Just plain old carelessness.

Unknown said...

This is an unfortunate situation for the billboard company. It is imperative to take your time when writing a slogan, letter, research paper, resume, etc. Misspelling is very common in many documents written by Americans. People WILL notice if words are misspelled and in this certain case, it was a very embarrassing moment for the billboard company. It shows their lack awareness when completing a project. Always remember to spell check.

Melissa said...

Wow! That’s amazing and he said that four people missed the error. When checking papers I write, I have a tendency to see what I meant to write instead of what I actually wrote. I can’t say that I have ever made a huge error like that, or even an embarrassing error like that. I always look for the red and green squiggly lines because I am a bad speller to begin with. And I have a tendency to look in a dictionary for the word if it looks funny the way it is spelled. You know how some times the word just doesn’t look right? So I always try to get someone else to proof read my papers and such to avoid embarrassments like this.

John Stiles said...

Ha that's embarrassing. Guess they should have paid a little bit more attention to all those years of teacher's pounding spelling and grammar into there heads.

DeMarcus Sims said...

Wow, interesting video! The spelling error on that billboard was crazy! There is definately a big difference between "public" and "pubic". People should really get others to proofread things before they "go through" with it. When an error occurs, it blows out of proportion. Spell Check is definately necessary, so take advantage of it.

Nyoki said...

I must say that is a pretty funny word to mess up with. I think that people don't like to proof read things because it takes up so much time. It is usually good to get others to proof read your work for you. However I know a lot of people do not like to be criticized about their work. However it is better to take the extra time and let your ego take a hit, rather then make a terrible mistake like that.

Sherrie said...

I have been missing a lot of mistakes lately with this blog thing. I believe I have made these mistakes, because there is not a spellcheck available. This billboard will not be the last, people make mistakes.

Unknown said...

One letter made a big difference in this case. I can see maybe one person not noticing this error, but four people. That’s a problem and somebody might have to lose their job. I wonder if these four people let this one slide for a good laugh.

Whitney said...

I couldn’t get the video to work but as I stated in my post on the PowerPoint video, I hate when people don’t use spell check. I am guilty of it too but I usually try my best to spell correctly the first time or at least use spell check. It isn’t that hard to press the button to check it.

Lona said...

I think this is hilarious!! There is NO way that 4 people can miss this spellcheck! It's printed in letter more than three times the size of a human and is being advertised to the public. Yes it is quite embarrassing, but maybe it should be a lesson learned that you need a new job since your not the brightest little bee.

Jamie said...

Wow. I would imagine this would cause some embarrassment to the people who proofed this ad. I have never seen a misspelling on an ad quite like this one, but just general spell check mistakes. It just makes me wonder who exactly is in charge of creating these ads, and why aren't the many people reviewing the ads checking these simple mistakes? I would have thought that someone would have caught a mistake such as the one that was shown in this video, but apparently not.

Ciji Rodrigue said...

I cannot stand when people misspell things, especially when it is so easy to make sure you are spelling a word correctly. Whether it is a text message or an essay for school I always proof read what I type. We all make mistakes, but I just like to double check myself. My boss told me that someone she interviewed had a ton of misspelled words in their resume so she just tossed it aside. Professors and employers will notice mistakes like misspelled words, so it is best to make a habit of looking out for them.

Unknown said...

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. These days it is so easy to fix a spelling error before it is made PUBLIC. Most people have smart phones or iPhones that catch the errors. Word and other computer programs let you know if the words are misspelled before you save the file. Also, it isn't hard to just go to!

Unknown said...

Spelling errors are definitely very common and can be very embarrassing. But it is not that hard to spell check it only take a few more seconds, and just think if this company would have taken the few more seconds this would have never happened.

Sharon said...

It’s an earnest mistake. Even if you spelled check it, it wouldn’t have been caught. I have proofed my work, and because I read it the way I think it should be, unconsciously, I sometimes do the same thing.

Unknown said...

When righting papers or even answering short answer questions i always seem to misspell something. Even when i proof read over my work i never catch it. The funny thing is i have an eye for misspellings in everyone elses work but mine.

Brittni said...

I think that since we use spellcheck so often, we've started to rely on it. Spellcheck doesn't check to see if our papers make sense, they only check spelling and punctuation. This mistake is very embarrassing for this man's company. His company is getting the blame because his four lower level employees passed up a mistake.

Staci said...

I think sometimes we look too closely at things and it causes us to overlook stuff that we would otherwise see. That being said, I think people should chose their battles and just let this one go. Yes, it was bad. Yes, someone did not do his job properly, in this case, 4 people. Yes, it said "Pubic" but come on...seriously...pubic is a scientific word. It's not like the sign said f**k or something similar.

Lindsay said...

Wow, that company must be so embarrassed. I find that unacceptable because four different people looked at it the billboard before it was posted. I am the first to say that I am a terrible speller; that is why I have several dictionary apps on my iPhone. I agree with Corey, I can spot misspelled words, but can't catch my own at times.

Kellie Williams said...

To be honest, when the video first showed the billboard I didn't catch the misspelling. That is why it is so important to have others check your work. I really don't believe that 4 people overlooked this misspelling! They were probably just lazy and didn't even look at it.

Cole said...

You have to check your work. With this mistake a total of four people missed the error. This mean the person who submitted the ad missed it, the person who made the ad missed it, the person who edited the ad missed it, and finally the person who published the ad missed it. How embarrassing is that!

candace said...

It took me a couple of seconds to notice the misspelled word on the billboard. Thankfully, I've never had any horrible experiences with misspelled words or spellcheck. I always double check everything before I turn it in to someone. I have seen misspelled words on simple documents and workbooks, but nothing too drastic.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! How hard is it to proof the few little words on these signs? Really? I hope the pubic school system got a refund.

Kelly Guerin said...

I can't beleive this company didn't take the time to spell check this sign. It's really embarrassing for the company and can sometimes hurt the them because something simple as spellchecking can make a bad name for that company. I used to work in a sign shop and I know how critical it was to spellcheck before actually printing out the sign.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

While I agree spell checking is imperative, I don't think it would have picked up on this being that the word pubic was spelled correctly. However, this says a lot about the people putting up the sign that they did not look over their work and make corrections. It is sad that the owner of the company is getting so much flack but that is part of the business. When you hire someone to work for you, their success or failure is on your lap.

selafitz11 said...

I think the case with this proves that a computerized spell checking system must be used and not just human proof reading. With this billboard it took me 2 or 3 looks to notice what was actually wrong with it because the letters seem to play tricks with the eyes and brain making the error very hard to notice but not and less embarrassing.

Unknown said...

Man I can't believe all four of the employees missed it. Honestly, I missed it too. Spell check is not perfect.  I am so embarrassed for all of them. I expected those four spell checkers got fired. Always double check the spell check. 

Toni Bonura said...

Although I'm an accountant, I'm really big on English grammar and spelling. I immediately noticed that public was misspelled. This mistake could have definitely been avoided if someone who was independent of the campaign and who had no idea what the billboard would say before they read it read the statement.

Jess said...

Spell check is so important. I am a horrible speller and if i don't exactly how to spell a word i look it up in the dictionary. That is a horrible mistake to make though and whoever made that mistake should seriously rethink going back to grade school.

megan said...

This video illustrates why it is so important to spell check things.....suitable title. Misspelled words on a billboard is bad enough but it is worse to me because this one is trying to promote positive things about the school system and instead of doing that is embarrasses the school system. In my work I have to pay attention to several details and they are important and I have misspelled things that are so obvious and other people catch it, so the fact that four people missed the error is ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Although this seems to be a careless mistake it could have actually causes an accident by people who were looking at it then turning around to look again to see if it said what they thought. People get paid to proofread these signs before they are displayed to the public and i mean they need to be doing their jobs!!

Jonte said...

Although this seems to be a careless mistake it could have actually causes an accident by people who were looking at it then turning around to look again to see if it said what they thought. People get paid to proofread these signs before they are displayed to the public and i mean they need to be doing their jobs!!

kady said...

Wow! That would be so embarrassing. I would hate to work for the company that made that mistake.

Keronida Myles said...

I do not think that it was as embarrassing for they school district as much as it was for the company that posted the sign. Making mistakes are a big part of life and yes it does include making spelling errors. However, it is also a learning experience. I bet that the company that posted the bulletin; will not end up using those four reviewers on the next assignment. Funny!

Cody T. Francis said...

As an outsider looking at it I thinks its pretty funny to be honest. But spell checking is very important because if that was you who missed that you would probable be job hunting this week.

Amy said...

Spellcheck is my right hand man when it comes to writting papers. I've seen alot of really bad words spelled in the process of not using spell check. But I would have to say the automatic spell check on my Iphone drives me crazy. Sometimes it changes words that I don't even want them to change.

Kevin Harper said...

i would die without spell check, even in these comment posts.i type so fast without looking up at what I'm typing so i can just look up, see the red and fix where i screwed up. don't know how people lived without it, must have be a much slower paced time

Joel said...

Seriously, this is hilarious, how on earth did this get through to get put on a billboard? Is Indiana really this slow? To start, there is spellcheck of course, but who is responsible for having this posted during the final step? I could see how this is an embarrassment for not only the public(not pubic) school system but also for that community. Although this billboard would be a great example for high school students who bother not to use the handy tool.

Jewel said...

I think this is kind of funny. Yes everyone makes mistakes and it can be very embarrassing. Public schools in that district will probably lose students.

Danielle Hodge said...

Oh no! This made me think about the show Apprentice when they were having a golf tournament and they spelled the special guest name incorrect on all the signs, flyers etc. When I saw that I thought man I better make sure to always check and double check my work. Well low and behold if a few weeks later I had our marketing department create an ad for our area. When I got the ad I glanced over it to make sure if had everything we wanted in it and all our locations were listed correctly. I approved the ad and it was published. Not too long after that ad ran I used it for another placement and the representative that I was working with noticed we had "feature" spelled "Feture" What the.....I should have never assumed that if the marketing department created the ad it would be free of misspelled words. So I really learned my lesson the hard way. It is always worth taking the extra few minutes to check and double check any work before submitting it.

Unknown said...

That has to be embarrassing! I try to always proof read my postings, creative writing, essays, etc; one simple mistake can bring about a completely different meaning. And for 4 people to overlook something so obvious and crucial to that organization was dumb.

dwayne said...

You could not pick a worse ad to misspell a word on. It's such a simple mistake to make and it's so common that it's hard to get mad over it. We all have done this at some point in time, just probably not on this scale.

Anonymous said...

I thought everything these days had spell check. Can't believe the person making the billboards didn't see their mistake. That means they were just rushing through to get the message up, because pressing spell check just takes seconds.

Anonymous said...

Well, these people should not feel too embarrassed, because spellcheck would not have caught that error since pubic is a real word. In high school, I worked for a t-shirt screen printer. One day the boss got there extra early to work on a special order for a baseball tournament. He wanted to do it himself to make sure there were no mistakes. When the staff got there, he had just finished the 1,000th shirt. Well, I went to check his work and noticed he misspelled "firecracker" as "firercracker". So needless to say, we always had someone proof the prints before a shirt was made after that.

Ashley Roberts said...

That's sad when not one or two, but four people miss the error! How is that possible? I would be completely embarrassed if I were the company who made the billboard. My son's state all-star championship ring that he was given by the baseball league this year has an error on it and it bothers me so bad. When you are in the business of publication, you have got to pay attention to all tiny details, especially spelling.

Anonymous said...

haha! I'm not going to lie, that was funny. What's even more sad is that half the population that saw the billboard probably does not even realize the mistake. We all make spelling mistakes of course; but this one is kind of important.

kristinp0902 said...

I cannot believe that four people missed this mistake. I can understand one person missing it but four? I think that this guy definitely needs to hire some new people. However, on the other hand I'm sure that things like this happen all the time because people are not spell checking their work. I understand that the computer has spell check but you should always go back to read it yourself because you may have typed something that is a correct word but not the one you were going for.

Kelly said...

I'm not sure how someone can miss a mistake on a billboard ad that is only a few words long. I don't think spellcheck is as important as proofreading. Spell check would not have caught that and doesn't catch a lot of mistakes. when I send emails to my sorority I proof read my emails about four or five times just to make sure my message is clear, makes sense and the words I used were in the correct context.

Chancie said...

I honestly believe that they did it on purpose. There is no way that four people could work on a billboard and miss a mistake as big as that. Not only is it misspelled, it's an inappropriate word. For the embarrassment it has caused the company and the public school system, I wouldn't be surprised if they lost their jobs over it.

Taylor said...

This actually happens more than some might think. If you pay attention, you can find signs all over that have incorrect word useage. I thought this video was pretty funny.

Vanessa said...

This so funny, and it happens so often. People rely on spellchecker so much without rereading what they write.

Melissa Dennis said...

This is so funny! Spell check would not have found that spelling error, but I would have hoped that one of the four people being paid to proof these signs would have caught it. But was it really so bad that it had to be on the local news station...I think not.

Frederick said...

I agree with everyone that this should have been caught. I think it is a case of apathy.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad that its funny. I think this happens more than we realize though. Spell check is definitely important. Wow.

Andrea said...

Spell check is great but there is one thing I am bad about and that is depending on spell check too much. If the misspelled word is actually a word then spell check is not going to catch it. I think this is what happened in this ad. The lesson we should learn from this is always read what you write and be sure it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Major fail! Like someone said previosly, if it is a word, spell check isn't likely to fix it. Proofread people!

Donald said...

I never had a spell-check experience yet, but this situation has definitely make me look to be more cautious. This incident is funny.

Anonymous said...

honestly I know that I am not the best speller in the world. So for me when I write papers I try not to rely soley on spell check. I fix the errors that spell check has complained about but then I go back and reread to make sure my paper flows and I have used all the correct words.

Annette said...

That was a simple mistake that could have been avoided I believe. I try to always use spell check especially if it is something I will be turning in , a powerpoint etc. It is a good tool and people should just take advantage of it to prevent things like this from happening.

Anonymous said...

That was a bit embarrassing, but I do believe that it was an honest mistake. The Four people that looked at the ad and approved it to go should have spelled check before sending out the okay. I bet they learned their lesson.

Lesley said...

How did this even happen? There is absolutely no way 4 people missed that!

Renee said...

That's a pretty embarrassing mistake, for the individuals and the company. I'm sure they will be more careful next time to use spell check. That is, if they are still employed!

Iman.Henderson said...

The employees probably relied on the computer and did not review what they wrote. They also may have reviewed it immediately after writing it, without allowing time for the words to clear their minds. When people do that, they can easily miss errors because their mind sees what they expect to see and not what is actually written. I would be completely embarrassed if I were the company who made the billboard.

Kaycie said...

I feel bad for the company honestly. Especially since they were trying to do a good thing for the public schools of their community. I'm sure all 4 people he said looked at it, probably did, but the bad thing is is when something is so common in front of your face it is very easy to just look over it as if were fine when it's really not. I've done it, maybe not on a huge billboard for an entire community, but at least they had the sign removed quickly and didn't just leave it up.

Anonymous said...

4 ppl missed it.... that really shows how intelligent the ppl you hire are... isn't a big deal... problem solved!!!! big whoop wanna fight about it.... haha

Jen said...

Here is my take on this. It technically was not a spell check error because pubic is a correctly spelled word. And, how many times have you received the email where all the letters except the first and last are mixed up. You can still read it. So, the four people that proofed this yeah they could have been more careful, but it was just an honest mistake. Honestly, before I played the video, I read it three times before I noticed it.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the company, but the four people that supposively looked at the billboard before it was posted up made the mistake. I understand accidents happen and people misspell words in important times, but I just do not see how four people did not catch this error. I wonder if it was done on purpose and planned out and if not, then these people are idiots and do not know how to spell. It is funny at the same time and sad. I do not know if I would have caught it immediately if I would have saw the billboard myself, but it is their job to check the spelling and grammar repeatedly to ensure it provides the right message.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me like four people who get paid to look for mistakes like this just isn't enough. I mean it took one guy a blink of an eye and he caught it. maybe the advertisement company should hire him and fire the other four. I love articles like this.

Anonymous said...

This is not a spell check fail, it is a proofing fail. Spell check only works if the word is misspelled. The computer doe not know what you were trying to say. This is why we have proof readers, but it seems they just let it go through spell check without reading it.

Regdricka said...

For them to not catch that is horrible. People really need to reread everything before they send it out because spell check is not enough.

Shanel said...

For four people to miss that misspelled word is horrible. they most not take their job seriously but i still dont think they should get fired just a warning would do good.

Anonymous said...

For these people not to catch this misspelled word is outrageously stupid. The must not take the job to seriuos. That is crazy.

Jonathan said...

I see this stuff everywhere, it's pretty embarrassing.

April said...

Funny video and kind of not! Use the spell check people! Thats what its there for!

Renee said...

Pretty embarrassing mistake! I find it very necessary to step away from what I'm writing and come back to it for editing. Sometimes we just don't see it!

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for this. I mean come on, how bout a spell check or something. Also, How dissapointing to the whole community who had to drive pass this billboard every day and see it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how FOUR people can miss a spelling error of this nature when it is a BILLBOARD. It's something thousands of people are going to see. This just shows how omitting one letter from a common word can change the whole meaning of what the billboard was originally set out to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This was a really embarrassing situation for this company! I also find it amazing how four different people missed this mistake. I would think that at least some one would have caught on to it. This just reminds me of how careful I should be when writing because I do not want to be embarrassed like this!

C.Short said...

This is crazy, Wow so embarrassing spell check is on everything to you have to really want to spell this like this are really be a dud!

Anonymous said...

I feel for the company. I mean I’m sure they thought having four people overlook something fro spelling would be sufficient, but obviously you can never be too safe. This spelling error was embarrassing for the company and hopefully those employees had some repercussions for their lack of doing their job.

Shawn Smith said...

It's very obvious that the manager of the billboard company was lying! There is no way four of the workers could have reviewed and overlooked that error! Lesson of the day? Always spell check. Haha, this link below shows another reason why spelling is so important:

Trent Tarver said...

Epic fail! This is hilarious! I'd be embarrassed as well if I posted a billboard with a misspelling like that. To tell you the truth though... I didn't catch it when it first glanced on the screen.

Trent Tarver said...

I would have hated to have been one of the four people who proofread that ad. I bet they were the laughing stock of the company on the next work day. Poor guys.... hahaha!

candace said...

If that were my company I would be so embarassed. How does something like that get by four people? I'm sure there were many motorists driving by who thought this was amusing. Maybe the company should be worried if other business will risk it to be on their billboards.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I’m LOL but when I read it when it first came on I didn’t catch the mistake either. I read straight through it. So I guest it could be missed that easily. It's their job to catch those sort of things so thats what they should have done. They have not only embarrassed themselves but they have also embarrassed the company, which is bad for business. I know I’m not a great speller so every time I make a post for this class I post it to work first for the spell check than I post it on the blog.

Cynthia Haley said...

Working as a Configuration Management Specialist completing ten (10) year tenure, mistakes are enviable even with spell check. Developing meeting agendas as well as minutes for various departments throughout the organization, a few have slipped by me professionally. Anytime there is human interaction even with computerized technology, there will be errors. Granted that the margin of error is seemingly lower utilizing this technology; however, we are relying on technology to perform quality assurance for us. Speaking from experience, two person(s) integrity accomplishes a higher level review process for any type of document.

David said...

Ha ha...unintended consequences of the texting generation! Written and oral communication skills are paramount to success. Never rely solely on spell check and always read what you have written at least three times before you submit it.

Anonymous said...

Omg is so important that you spell check!! I know I dnt do it all the time but it is kind of a thing that can't be taken lightly.

Chad Taylor said...

Progress not perfection. People make errors. We need to watch a video about when a big time reporter messes up pronouncing a word or somebody's name. But, on another note, a billboard company that misspells is kinda funny.

Ryan McCray said...

Well we all knew what the ad was saying and it created more attention, i would say great advertising! On that note people should be more meticulous on how they proof read. But its not really a big deal? who cares? its funny. It just sucks to know we live in a world that we have to be that politically correct people freak out and make a news story of a misspelled billboard...really???

Hope Bahm said...

Thats pretty funny! I'm sure the public school system didn't like the mistake. I understand how four people could have missed it, because the word looked the same as public at first glance. Mistakes happen!!!

Bret Oldendorf said...

I find it very funny that there were four people who missed that mistake. I am sure though that they were not the only ones who had missed that mistake, because most of the people who read it knew what they were trying to say. That has to be one of the worst spelling mistakes in a public area that I have seen either on video or in person. People do make mistakes though, but they made theirs to where it was noticeable to everyone.

ChrisSaintsedo said...

Checking the spelling of a word is sometimes a tricky business. I know I normally do not go back and reread my papers. The word pubic was spelled correctly and would probably would have missed it as well. The people at biggest fault are the ones who put up the sign without reading it first. It is sad that the owner of the company is getting so much flack but that is part of the business. When you hire someone to work for you, their success or failure is on your lap. It is a vicious cycle sometimes.

Anonymous said...

WOW, how embarrassing! Spellcheck is very important. By missing one letter it could definitely change the whole meaning of the billboard really was suppose to say. But I still don't see how 4 people could have read over it and still missed the word spelled wrong.

J.Nicole said...

When you look at it real quick, you will miss that it is spelled wrong. That situation happens all the time like when you are proof reading a paper because your brain already knows what you are trying to say so you look over the spelling of the words.

Anonymous said...

Clearly this was an honest mistake. I don't think they should have fussed about it the way they did. What they should have done is just simply go in and correct it. A lot of people probably didn't even see the mistake. They should have kept is "under wraps" and quietly fixed it. I can see how the owner of the company could have gotten a little embarrassed because it was not carefully written.

John Edmund Sencial said...

I think this is unreal that this has to make the news. It was a mistake and it's not even a terrible word. How pointless is the news today that this makes a feature story. Why can't the news be featuring more important issues.

John Edmund Sencial said...

If I was the billboard company I would definitely hire people who are better capable of their job. I mean seriously, how do four people miss that?

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