|  | | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks fell in a broad and steep decline on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 dropping for a fifth day to break under a key support level. | |  |   |  | | (Reuters) - Best Buy Co Chief Executive Brian Dunn is stepping down from the world's largest consumer electronics chain, which said it is looking for a new CEO to help it better compete against Internet retailers and discounters. | |  | |  |  | | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The number of unemployed American workers for every job opening fell in February to its lowest since late 2008, pointing to ongoing healing in the still-weak labor market. | |  | | | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wholesale inventories rose solidly in February as petroleum recorded the biggest increase in a year, prompting analysts to raise their estimates for first-quarter economic growth. | |  | |   |  | | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said on Tuesday it might make sense for the housing finance companies to write down loan principal under an Obama administration plan, but further study was needed. | |  | | | LONDON (Reuters) - Veteran Goldman Sachs dealmaker Yoel Zaoui is set to retire, the latest in a series of high profile departures from investment banks shaking up top management in the wake of the financial crisis. | |  | |   |  | | TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Sony Corp flagged a record $6.4 billion annual net loss, double an earlier forecast and a fourth straight year of red ink, as it writes off deferred tax credits, heaping more pressure on its new CEO to turn around the electronics giant. | |  | |   |  | | MOSCOW (Reuters) - McDonald's Corp will franchise out restaurants in Russia for the first time after picking the sector's largest restaurant holding company Rosinter as its partner in the fast-growing market. | |  | | PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - As weather disasters strike with more frequency, homeowners first get hit with the destruction or total loss of property. Many are then hit with the unexpected loss of homeowners insurance policies as insurance companies re-evaluate their financial liabilities. | |  |   |  | | (Reuters) - Tribune Co, the bankrupt publisher of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, moved closer to ending its three-year bankruptcy after a judge resolved lingering disputes about the order in which noteholders should be repaid. | |  | |  |  |  | A daily digest of breaking business news, coverage of the US economy, major corporate news and the financial markets. Register Today | | |  | |  |  | The latest Reuters articles on M&A, IPOs, private equity, hedge funds and regulatory updates delivered to your inbox each day. Register Today | | |  | | » MORE NEWSLETTERS | |
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