April 10th, 2012Top StoryCreate a Kickass, Seamless, Play-Everything Media Center: The Complete GuideBy Whitson Gordon
XBMC, for those of you that don't' know, is a media center application that organizes your movies, TV shows, and other media in a beautiful, remote control-friendly library. You can run it on nearly any computer or Apple TV and hook it up in your living room, so all the media you used to watch on your computer—ripped movies, Netflix, Hulu Plus, and more—are all available from the comfort of your couch. Obviously, XBMC isn't the only media center software out there—but it's our favorite by a pretty good margin, and yours too. You can play all your existing DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, stream videos to it from your iOS device via AirPlay, set it up as an old school video game console, and—if you're really adventurous—even sync it up with other XBMC boxes in the house, so you can pause a movie in one room and continue it in another. On top of all that, you can customize every corner of the interface to make it look super awesome. Not convinced? Check out the video at the top of the post to see what you'll get when the whole process is over. Because XBMC is so powerful, you have a ton of options for setting up your media center to fit your needs. This guide covers the entire process, from choosing your hardware to importing your videos to extending XBMC to its furthest (and coolest) reaches. If you're new to XBMC, you should start from the top. If not, jump to the section that interests you most:
Choose Your Hardware
You don't have to spend a ton of money on XBMC-capable hardware. In fact, the cheapest option is one of our favorites: a jailbroken Apple TV. The newest generation can play 1080p videos, has Netflix built-in to the Apple TV software, and can do all the basic playback of any XBMC machine. And, at $99, it's a steal. The newest generation hasn't been jailbroken yet, but hopefully it will be soon. In the meantime, you can grab a second generation Apple TV if you don't mind 720p, check out what installing XBMC is like on an Apple TV with our Apple TV 2 guide. (You'll see a post on Lifehacker as soon as the newest Apple TV is jailbroken.)
Chances are you already have an idea of what you want to use for your media center, but if you're caught between two or more of the above options, be sure to check out our Ask Lifehacker on the subject. Don't forget to think about remote controls when making your hardware decisions, too. Apple TV users will be shocked at how well the Apple TV remote works, but other users will need to buy a remote separately. The easiest route would be to grab a Windows Media Center remote like this one, which comes with an infrared sensor and should work out of the box with XBMC. If you have a universal remote you really like, though, you can make nearly any IR remote work with XBMC using the complicated but awesome LIRC, too. Install XBMC
Alternatively, you can install a variation of XBMC like the fast-booting, self-updating OpenELEC. It's a great choice if you don't want to fiddle with any operating systems, and just want a box that starts up quickly and houses your movies. You could also use a program like Plex for Windows and Mac, which is based off of XBMC. It isn't nearly as customizable as XBMC, and most of this guide won't really apply to it, but we think it's worth mentioning for its awesome streaming powers. If you aren't looking for an insanely customizable media center and want to stream media to your iOS or Android device when you're away, Plex is a great choice. Installing XBMC is a piece of cake once you've picked your version. If it's just a regular version of XBMC, download and install it like you would any other program. If you're installing OpenELEC or XBMCbuntu, just burn the installer to a live CD or USB drive, insert it into your media center, and boot from that device to start the installation. Once you have it installed, you're ready to start adding your media. Import Media Into XBMCYou can stream a lot of media to XBMC, but where it really shines is with your local library of movies and TV shows. Here's what importing that media entails. Where to Get Movies and TV Shows for XBMCIf you don't have movies and TV shows on your computer already, I highly recommend checking out our guides on how to:
Where to Store Them (and How to Organize Them)Before you go adding these files to your library though, you'll need to get them in order on your machine. You can either store them on your media center itself or on another computer on the network. Our preferred method is to store them on a network—whether you've stowed them away on your main machine (which you'll need to keep running 24/7 if you want those videos available) or you've got something like a NAS running as a home file server (which is what I do). XBMC has a cool feature where it can grab all sorts of information about your videos—like the cover art, plot summary, year produced, and more—and display it in the menus for you. It does this by scraping information from sources like TheMovieDB.org and TheTVDB.com when you add those files to your library. However, in order to scrape that information, it needs your files organized in a certain way. There are a ton of ways to do this, but we'll feature a few options here.
When you add these files to XBMC, it'll grab all the information for you, including the movie's poster art and a high-resolution fanart image, which is usually a screenshot of the movie or other promotional image (see the image to the right for an example of what your menus will look like with fanart and poster art). It'll grab all this automatically so you don't have to do anything, and you can just start watching your media. If you'd rather pick which poster and fanart it uses, you'll have to use...
It sounds complicated, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly—XBMC does a good job of understanding most intuitive organization schemes. For more information on naming files and adding custom art, check out the XBMC wiki and our guide to turbo charging your media center. Add the Files to Your XBMC Library
Next, it's going to ask you what kind of media is in that folder. Under "This Directory Contains", choose the type of media you want to add from that folder—e.g., Movies. It'll also ask you to choose a scraper; the default should be fine. Scroll down and enable the "Run Automated Scan" option, and any other options that may apply (like "Movies are in separate folders" if you picked the complicated method above). Click OK and wait for XBMC to import all your files. This could take awhile depending on how many you have, so kick back with a cup of tea if your movie collection is on the impressive side. Repeat this process for your other folders and meia types, and you should have an awesome looking, playable media library ready to go! Customize Every Inch Your Media CenterOne of the coolest features of XBMC is the ability to add new features to your media center through add-ons, just like you would with Firefox or Chrome on your computer. Add-ons can do anything from stream TV shows and movies to play video games and overhaul the entire look of your media center. There are a few different places you can get add-ons, called repositories. You can download repositories as ZIP files and import them into XBMC. Each time you import a repository, it'll add a bunch of new add-ons to XBMC's catalog. Click to view Installing add-ons from XBMC's official repository is super easy, since it's already built into XBMC. Just open up XBMC and head into System > Add-Ons > Get Add-Ons. Choose "XBMC.org Add-Ons" and start browsing the catalog from there. When you see one you like, select it, and click the "Install" button in the menu that comes up. XBMC will install it, and you'll be good to go. To use the add-on just head to its category (e.g., if it's a "Video Add-On", go to Videos > Video Add-Ons). You may have to edit the add-on's settings before you can use it (usually by highlighting it and going to the context menu with the "c" key on your keyboard, or whatever the corresponding button is on your remote). Click to view Installing add-ons from other repositories takes one extra step. To add a new repository, download its ZIP file (which you'll find on this wiki page, or elsewhere around the net) and save it to your media center. Then, open up XBMC and go back to Settings > Add-Ons. From there, choose "Install from ZIP File", and navigate to the ZIP file on your drive. Once you've added it, you should be able to select it from the "Get Add-Ons" menu, and browse its catalog just like you did with XBMC's official repository. Overhaul XBMC's Look with a New SkinXBMC's default look is pretty beautiful, but you have a ton of other skins to choose from that give it a different look and feel. To add a new skin, just head to Settings > Appearance > Skin, and click on the skin you're currently using (the default skin is called "Confluence"). It should bring up a menu where you can choose a new skin. By default, you'll only have one skin in this menu, but after clicking "Get More" and installing other skins from XBMC's repository, you can choose other skins from that menu to try out. If you see a skin online that isn't built into XBMC, you can download its repository, add it as described above, and the skin should show up in the "Get More Skins" menu. Once you've chosen a skin, you can customize it under Settings > Skin. From there, you can change which menus show up on the home screen, choose the background artwork for the different screens, and lots more. I also recommend going into your media library and seeing what different views your skin offers. To do this, head into a section of your library (like "Movies") and bring up the left menu by pressing the left arrow key (or, if your movies scroll from side to side, by pressing the up arrow key). Press Enter on the "View" selection to see the different views. Some will emphasize the posters and fanart for a cool-looking library, while others may focus on media details like plot, cast, and more. Play around with them to see what you like, and remember that each skin has different layouts, so check them out before you write a skin off. You have a lot of skins to choose from, but to see a gallery of some of our favorites, click on the gallery link above. Stream Nearly Any TV Show or MovieThere's no reason to rip a bunch of movies and TV shows if you can stream them right to your media center whenever you want. A number of add-ons let you do just that. Check out these add-ons to get all your favorite movies and TV shows streamed right to you:
Hulu: Also in the Bluecop repository, This add-on lets you watch any video on Hulu. You have to watch them with commercials, unfortunately, but you have a slightly different selection to choose from (and a pretty good one at that—especially if you have Hulu Plus, which you can log into from the add-on's settings). There is a setting to turn off commercials as well, but it doesn't always work, so don't rely on that if you're really against watching ads. XBMC Flicks: Lastly, if you subscribe to Netflix, you can get your Instant Queue in XBMC with the XBMC Flicks add-on, available in the default XBMC repository. This only works on Windows and Mac-based media centers, so if you're running XBMC on Linux or an XBMCbuntu box, you're currently out of luck. This add-on also isn't yet available in the repositories for the newest version of XBMC, so you'll have to download it manually from here and put it into your add-ons folder as described in this forum post. Play Videos via AirPlayTo play videos from your iOS device or other AirPlay-capable program right in XBMC, head to Settings > Network > Services and enable AirPlay. From then on, XMBC should show up as an AirPlay destination any time you want to stream something. Some platforms might need a bit of extra setup to get this working, so check out the XBMC wiki page on the subject to find out more. Add Blu-Ray Playback
Play Video Games Right From XBMC
Sync Your Media Across Your House
These are by far the best add-ons and customizations for XBMC, but there are a lot of others out there. Browse the repositories to see what else you might like; you're sure to find a lot of popular podcasts and web series' in there like This Week in Tech, TED Talks, or The Guild, as well as ways to monitor your favorite torrent programs, play music from your favorite streaming services, and more. For a list of other cool add-ons, check out our rundown of the best add-ons for XBMC. This guide should get you pretty far, but XBMC is so customizable that it would be impossible to list everything you could do in one guide. Do you have a favorite skin, add-on, or customization that we didn't mention? Be sure to tell us about it in the comments, and we might even add it to the guide. We'll be keeping it up to date as add-ons change and XBMC updates, so if you're ever looking for the latest and greatest info on building an XBMC media center, this guide will always be up-to-date. |
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